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Features and Benefits of a Magnet Inspection

  • Hazard analysis of your process and potential critical control points for metal contamination prevention to ensure all areas have sufficient preventative measures.
  • Verified testing and assessment of all existing preventative magnetic metal separation equipment in the plant to determine if your equipment is sufficient for preventing metal contamination and functioning properly to effectively capture tramp metal.
  • Detailed documentation that demonstrates your facility has identified potential metal contamination hazards, implemented preventative that measures monitor the effectiveness of your magnetic equipment at preventing these hazards, and complies with HACCP and other QA requirements.

Call us today at 888.582.0821 or fill out the contact form to begin the plant audit process and take advantage of more than 50 years of magnetic equipment experience.

Magnet Inspection Details

IMI will provide a magnet inspection and plant survey to companies interested in evaluating their magnetic equipment performance and assist with compliance with the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), Safe Quality Foods Program (SQF), FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), the British Retail Consortium (BRC), and other plant QA requirements.

A qualified IMI magnet specialist will perform objective and measured strength testing of existing magnetic equipment. Detailed magnet inspection report documents are provided for every piece of magnetic separation equipment inspected.

Report documents often include elements such as:

  • Equipment overview
  • Action items
  • Priorities
  • Photographic documentation and more.

The reports are also used to provide documentation for plants to meet HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) and other Quality Assurance requirements.

Our magnet inspection specialist will also identify key areas where magnets could enhance operating performance, improve their operating efficiencies, reduce operating costs, purify products, or protect processing equipment from metal damages well as provide a comparative and cost analysis for new or upgraded magnetic equipment.

Plant Inspection Request Form

To request a plant inspection, please fill out the form below as completely as possible. Upon submission, you will receive a confirmation email notifying you that we have received your request and will have someone contact you to discuss and schedule an appointment.

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